The Victoria Vesna BLUE MORPH exhibition will run from march 1 to April 12 2008 at the Fringe Gallery in Los Angeles. Victoria Vesna set up a site-specific interactive installation that uses nanoscale images and sounds derived from the metamorphosis of a caterpillar into a butterfly. The amplified metamorphosis sounds reveal the process both to be halting and violent contradicting our imagination of a gradual peaceful metamorphosis. What is interesting in the work of Victoria Vesna is the revealing of a new sound. Perceive metamorphosis not like a phisical change but as a "sound" means transorf from "outside" to "inside" the vision of the process.
The 1968 Peter Brook's book Empty Spaces underlined how invisibility was an essential music feature. Due and thanks to its invisibility music can infact steal into the body. The blue morph sound insists on this feauture of holyness, the silent visitors wrap in a dark space hearing a in-audible sound, and they fell like a diver in the mysterious depht.
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